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2023 Teaching Awards

Congratulations to the Faculty & Staff selected for this year's award recognition

2023 Teaching Awards
2023 Teaching Awards
From left to right: the 2023 James Emerson Award for Outstanding Teaching Assistant: Syed H. Hussain,  2023 John P. McGovern Award for Outstanding Teaching: Andrew E. Springer, DrPH, and 2023 Award for Excellence in Academic Advising: Miryoung Lee, PhD,
From left to right: the 2023 James Emerson Award for Outstanding Teaching Assistant: Syed H. Hussain, 2023 John P. McGovern Award for Outstanding Teaching: Andrew E. Springer, DrPH, and 2023 Award for Excellence in Academic Advising: Miryoung Lee, PhD

The following three awards are based on nominations from students and voting open to all UTHealth Houston School of Public Health students. 

2023 John P. McGovern Award for Outstanding Teaching: Andrew E. Springer, DrPH 

2023 James Emerson Award for Outstanding Teaching AssistantSyed H. Hussain

2023 Award for Excellence in Academic Advising: Miryoung Lee, PhD

“I am truly honored to have been selected by our UTHealth Houston School of Public Health students for the John P. McGovern Outstanding Teaching Award. The opportunity to co-learn with my students and with my talented teaching team and colleagues continually inspires me and gives my teaching purpose - my gratitude to this great UTHealth Houston School of Public Health community. In embracing Paulo Freire’s wise words: “There is no teaching without learning”, let us all continue to learn from and with our students so that we can collectively address ongoing social and health inequities,” says Andrew Spinger, DrPH, recipient of the 2023 John P. McGovern Award for Outstanding Teaching.

Congratulations to the Recipients of the 2023 UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Faculty Awards 

The Faculty Council, Faculty Awards Committee would like to congratulate the 2023 UTHealth Houston School of Public Health faculty award winners. They have each exemplified excellence in their respective award categories. Each awardee will receive $1,000 in discretionary operating funds and be recognized at the May 12, 2023 Spring General Faculty Meeting.  

Award for Excellence in Teaching 

Eric C. Jones, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics & Environmental Sciences

Suja S. Rajan, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Policy & Community Health

Award for Excellence in Community Service 

Kristina D. Mena, PhD, Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics & Environmental Sciences, and Regional Campus Dean, El Paso 

Lara S. Savas, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences

Research Mentor-Mentee Award 

Alanna C. Morrison, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics & Environmental Sciences

Paul S. de Vries, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics & Environmental Sciences

Visit the Faculty Awards folder on the school intranet to see all past winners here. 

Recipients of the 2023 Outstanding Staff Member Award 

The Faculty Council, Faculty Awards Committee would like to congratulate the 2023 UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Outstanding Staff Member Award winners. This is the inaugural year of the annual award. Nominations were accepted from faculty and supervisors of staff, and the Faculty Awards Committee selected finalists which were voted on by all school of public health staff. Each awardee will receive a $1,000 award in recognition of their outstanding contributions.  

Outstanding Staff Member Award

JR F. Bright, MBA, Academic and Admissions Advisor II, Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics & Environmental Sciences

Sharon S. Cummings, MPH, Senior Program Manager, Office of Faculty Affairs, Development

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