Shift Differential Pay
Policy Number: 51
- Subject:
Shift differential pay
- Scope:
Classified employees
- Date Reviewed:
- April 2019
- Responsible Office:
- Human Resources
- Responsible Executive:
- Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston provides shift differential pay for classified employees who work shifts (time periods) that differ distinctly from the normal shift (work day), which begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Typically, shift differential pay is approved for positions in departments that require around-the-clock coverage or operations that consistently require late evening coverage. At the discretion of the head of the operating unit, shift differential can be approved for shifts in which 50 percent or more of the scheduled work hours are between 2 p.m. and 8 a.m. Shift differential is paid on an hourly basis for all regularly scheduled hours worked on a shift that has been approved for shift differential. Shift rate differentials are established for evening and night shifts.
Supervisors are responsible for identifying the shifts that will be eligible for shift differential, the positions on those shifts that will receive the differential pay, and for communicating this information to their employees. A supervisor must be consistent in applying the chosen practices concerning shifts and positions throughout their area(s) of responsibility.
Occasionally, employees may be asked to work over into another shift that is approved for shift differential. In those situations, employees in positions approved for shift differential who work 50 percent or more of the other shift's regularly scheduled work hours will receive the differential for all hours actually worked on that shift. At the supervisor's discretion, employees in approved positions who work less than 50 percent of the other shift's regularly scheduled work hours may receive shift differential for the hours actually worked on that shift.
Refer to the Compensation Services webpage for positions designated as eligible for shift differential and for the shift differential rate schedule. Job titles may be added as necessary by contacting Human Resources.
- Human Resources
- 713-500-3130