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Handbook of Operating Procedures

Separation Due to Reorganization or Closure - Administrative & Professional Employees

Policy Number: 130


Separation of administrative and professional employees due to reorganization or closure


Administrative and professional employees

Date Reviewed:
March 2012
Responsible Office:
Human Resources; Dean's Offices
Responsible Executive:
Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer; Deans


The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston ("University") attempts to maintain a stable work force; however, circumstances may arise that result in an administrative decision for the reorganization of an organizational entity or permanent closure of an organizational entity. An organizational entity in this context might include, but would not be limited to, an operating unit, a department, a division, an academic program, or a service provider.

Reorganization may result in reduction of positions in affected units. Permanent closures may result in elimination of all administrative and professional ("A&P") positions in affected units. The University will consider an A&P employee who becomes separated as a result of a reorganization or permanent closure for re-employment in another position, providing the employee is qualified and indicates interest and availability.

When separated as a result of a permanent closure, an employee will be eligible to have sick leave balance restored under the circumstances described in HOOP Policy 30 Sick Leave.


A&P employees being separated as a result of reorganization or permanent closure will be notified by the head of the affected operating unit at least 30 days in advance of the date for separation, and will be paid through that period of time. A personnel administrator will be available to provide benefit and job application information to affected employees after notification of the date for separation is given.

In some instances, A&P employees may be asked to continue as employees for a stated period beyond the effective date for a reorganization or closure.


    • Human Resources (management administrative and professional employees)
    • 713-500-3130
    • Applicable Dean's Office (academic administrative and professional employees)