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Handbook of Operating Procedures

Probationary Period - Classified Employees

Policy Number: 152


Probationary period for classified employees who hold a regular appointment


Classified Employees

Date Reviewed:
September 2018
Responsible Office:
Human Resources
Responsible Executive:
Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer


Newly appointed regular classified employees at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston ("University") will be subject to a six month probationary period. In addition, all classified employees who hold a regular appointment are subject to a three month probationary period on the occasion of a promotion, transfer, lateral movement, or downgrade to a classified position in another department. For this policy, a department is defined based on the department codes in the financial management system. 

If an employee is subjected to an involuntary position change after successful completion of a full probationary period, the employee does not have to complete a new probationary period. If an employee is subjected to an involuntary position change during a probationary period, the employee must complete that probationary period in the new position and does not have to begin a new probationary period. The probationary period provides an opportunity for the employee to assess the institution/situation and adjust to the new job, and for the supervisor to evaluate the employee's job performance and determine if the employment relationship is mutually satisfactory.

Classified employees newly appointed to the University may not apply for another position within the University and may not be promoted during the six month probationary period.  Classified employees who have completed one six month probation period during that employee’s current University service are not subject to the above restrictions.  


Regular Employee: An employee appointed for a minimum of 20 hours per week for at least four and one-half months in a fiscal year.


The probationary period is six months in length and is counted in whole calendar months if the employee begins employment on the first of the month; if the employee begins employment on any other day in the month, six months from that date is counted.  For example, if an employee begins employment on September 15, the last day of the probationary period would be March 14.

If an employee is on leave during the probationary period, the probationary period may be extended by the same amount of time the employee is on leave.

The supervisor will conduct a departmental orientation for the new employee, discussing the purpose of the probationary period and reviewing the length of the probationary period. The supervisor will provide the new employee with a clear description of the job to be performed, communicate the standards for the job, observe work performance, and provide feedback to the employee.

Each employee should have performance reviews during the probationary period.  Each employee must have at least one performance review prior to the end of the six month probationary period.  The probationary evaluation forms are on the Human Resources website ( Supervisors must complete these forms before the employee finishes the probationary period. 

Employees may be recommended for dismissal at any time during the probationary period. An employee dismissed during the probationary period does not have access to the discipline and dismissal policies of the University.  A current employee who has successfully completed a full probationary period and transfers to a new position in a different department will be required to serve a three month probationary period but, under most circumstances, should be provided 30 calendar days notice if dismissal is recommended based on performance issues. If dismissal is recommended, the supervisor should contact a Human Resources Employee Relations Advisor prior to any discussion with the employee.


    • Human Resources
    • 713-500-3180