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Institute Cores

The UTHealth Institute for Implementation Science is comprised of an Administrative Core, a Research Core, and a Practice Core.

The Administrative Core is comprised of an executive team and an internal and an external advisory board. This core:

  • Serves as the operational backbone of the Institute, providing leadership, governance, and strategic direction.
  • Convenes and supports a national network of Implementation Science Researchers.

The Research Core develops and supports innovative research designs, methods and measures for Implementation Science. This core:

  • Conducts innovative transdisciplinary implementation research and trains the next generation of implementation researchers.
  • Identifies mixed methods approaches to effective and equitable adoption, implementation, sustainment, and acceleration of evidence-based interventions (EBIs).
  • Serves as an implementation incubator to brainstorm and launch new implementation science research and research partnerships.

The Practice Core ensures knowledge generated from implementation science achieves health impact in organizations, communities, and systems. This core:

  • Supports a shared infrastructure of "community implementation co-laboratories." These Co-laboratories offer world settings and partnerships to use products of the UTHealth Institute for Implementation Science in increase adoption, implementation, and sustainment of evidence-based interventions to achieve health impact.