Our Elite
Heart & Vascular Team
Elite Heart and Vascular Team
UTHealth Houston’s acclaimed heart and vascular team collaborates to treat cardiovascular conditions from every angle. We combine skills in cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, pediatric cardiology, and advanced cardiopulmonary therapies and transplantation to provide compassionate, specialized care that begins before a patient is born and lasts throughout their life. Our expertise allows us to research, diagnose, and treat even the most complex cases.
Dr. Anthony Estrera
Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
Dr. Danny Ramzy
Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery
Dr. Biswajit Kar
Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology
Dr. Susan Laing
Advanced 3-D Imaging and Diagnostics
Dr. Dianna Milewicz
Genetic Cardiovascular Disease Research
Meet Our Full Cardiovascular Team
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our UT Physicians
The Many Faces of UTHealth Houston
Leading the Nation in Behavioral Health Sciences
Jair C. Soares, MD, PhD, has been named the founding dean of UTHealth Houston School of Behavioral Health Sciences.
Pediatric Surgeon Heals Patient with Omphalacole
When Tristan was born with his organs outside his belly, KuoJen Tsao, MD, operated to correct the rare defect.
3D-printed Lungs Improve Research Capabilities
MALDA system allows researchers to better understand aerosol particles and health risks.
UTHealth Houston Selected as Clinical Trial Site
Two NIH-sponsored clinical trials for long COVID treatments, led by Dr. Luis Ostrosky, are currently enrolling patients.
UTHealth Houston
Since 1972, the many faces of UTHealth Houston have carried out a bold mission of educating the next generation of health care professionals, advancing biomedical research and public health, and providing exceptional care to our communities. With an emphasis on excellence and service, this important mission is achieved through UTHealth Houston’s schools of biomedical informatics, biomedical sciences, dentistry, medicine, nursing, public health, a vast network of outpatient clinics, the John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center, UTHealth Houston Harris County Psychiatric Center, and our primary teaching hospitals. UTHealth Houston also serves the local community and beyond with three patient-centered clinical practices: UT Physicians, UT Dentists, and UT Health Services.