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Infusion of bone marrow mononuclear cells results in decreased intensive care needs and white matter preservation for children with severe traumatic brain injury

Charles S. Cox Jr., MD, professor in the Department of Pediatric Surgery with McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston. (Photo by UTHealth Houston)

January 17, 2024

After children experienced severe traumatic brain injury, the infusion of bone marrow mononuclear cells derived from the patient’s own bones led to less time spent in intensive care, less intense therapy, and, significantly, the structural preservation of white matter, which constitutes about half the total volume of the brain, according to new research from UTHealth Houston.

Hand surgery allows athlete to return to sports and compete in collegiate triathlons

Marco Ferrier is excelling as a collegiate triathlete, thanks to a second opinion with a UT Physicians orthopedic surgeon. (Photo by Logan Ball/UT Physicians)

January 8, 2024

A complication in the emergency room could have sidelined teenager Marco Ferrier from athletics.Thankfully, his family trusted their instincts and looked for another opinion. Today, Ferrier is training twice a day, completing collegiate triathlons throughout the United States, and loving his life as a freshman at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Dry January: Dietitian shares three fun mocktail recipes to try this month

Diana Guevara, RD, a registered dietitian with UTHealth Houston School of Health, selected three mocktail recipes to try during Dry January. (Photo by Nathan Jeter/UTHealth Houston)

January 4, 2024

Every year, thousands of people choose to cut back on alcohol and take part in Dry January, a month-long sobriety commitment that has shown health benefits like improved quality of sleep and more energy. Alcohol-free drink options can go beyond water and tea to beverages that are colorful and fun. Diana Guevara, RD, a registered dietitian with UTHealth Houston School of Public Health, shared three tasty and healthy mocktail recipes to try this month.

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