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Abela to lead continuing professional development

Dr. Karla Abela

Karla M. Abela, PhD, RN, CCRN, CPN, has been named director of continuing professional development at Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston effective Jan. 1, 2025. 

Abela earned a post-master’s certificate in nursing education and a PhD from Cizik School of Nursing. She joined the school as a postdoctoral fellow and then became an assistant professor in the Department of Graduate Studies. With a clinical and research focus on pediatric acute care, she has served in leadership roles at Texas Children’s Hospital and Duke University Hospital. 

“Nurses never stop learning, and I look forward to working with Dr. Abela to grow our continuing professional development offerings with courses that not only fulfill annual licensure requirements but empower nurses to continually improve health care,” said Associate Dean for Faculty Development Jessica Coviello, DNP, ANP-BC, FAAN. 

Professor Vaunette Fay, PhD, FNP, GNP, who has long led continuing education at the school, will continue to support Abela over the next few months as she transitions to the new position. 

Abela has been recognized by the Houston Chronicle as one of the top 15 nurses in the city and received a Bronze Award from the Good Samaritan Foundation. She began her nursing career in Canada after receiving a diploma in nursing from the Humber College of Applied Arts at Technology in Toronto, and she holds a Master of Science in Nursing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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