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Meet the Staff: Andreina Ruiz

Meet the Staff: Andreina Ruiz

What is your current title, and what do you do day-to-day?

I am the coordinator of Admissions and Alumni Affairs. My day-to-day varies a lot depending on the time of year, but it all involves assisting applicants and admitted students. I mainly respond to inquiries about the admissions process, but I also process applications, coordinate the student walkers and ringleaders that escort applicants to their interviews during visitation, and plan for new student orientation.

Are you working on any upcoming projects?

At the moment, the Admissions Office is planning for the new student orientation in August. My main areas here will be updating the orientation booklet and helping to put together the Peer Mentor lunch with Spitz and the Graduate Student Association. The lunch is a great way for incoming students to pair up with current students who have similar research interest and goals. It’s conducive to incoming students acclimating to our school.

What excites you the most about working for the GSBS?

I enjoy helping applicants through the admissions process the most. We have applicants that come from all walks of life, and it is a great feeling to know I can mitigate some of the stress and uncertainty that comes with applying to graduate school. It feels even more rewarding when I am able to connect with a particular applicant and then see them make it to the other side and become a student.

Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

I am a big homebody, so I like activities that help me wind down. My biggest thing right now is steeping and enjoying good-quality tea. I also enjoy creating miniature models of houses, reading books and comics, writing, and drawing.

What skills in your skillset do you find most valuable in your work?

I find my calm nature to be helpful. The application and visitation seasons can be hectic since there are so many moving parts. Especially during visitation season, you never know if something might come up and need our attention. With so many things going on, I’m grateful I have the ability to remain calm and assess a situation carefully. Of course, it is easy to remain calm when I have the support of the staff and the students during visitation.

Do you have a favorite memory at the GSBS so far?

It is difficult to choose a favorite, but I think a moment that stands out was the Friday Afternoon Club after last year’s orientation. It was officially the end of Oscar’s, Lenay’s, and my first admissions cycle as a team. Seeing all the incoming students conversing with and meeting faculty and current students was a fantastic payoff after months of recruitment, applications, interviews, and orientation-planning.



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