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News from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Stories from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston)

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Online-Only Safety Class Ongoing Into the Fall

The University of Texas Police at Houston (UT Police) will continue to offer only virtual presentations through August, with the possibility that instructor-person led classes may not return for some time beyond.

“Our online classes are being very well attended and we are happy that we can continue to share crime and safety prevention messages with our community,” said Community Outreach Manager Maribel Salazar. “Our in-person classes may resume at some point in the future, but when that may happen is still unknown due to the continuing challenges posed by COVID-19.”

Since March, attendance to the 30-plus classes that have taken place online has surpassed 4,000 participants.

“Providing our safety classes through WebEx has had a better response than we could have imagined,” said Community Outreach Officer Manuel Leston, who is the department’s lead instructor for its safety classes. “We are able to accommodate an unlimited number of participants unlike in a conference room setting, and we are often exceeding 300 participants per online class.”

General audience classes are currently available to faculty, staff and students at UTHealth and MD Anderson. Departments and work groups may also request safety classes by emailing [email protected].

View a list of upcoming classes on and submit this form to register for online classes. 

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