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Self-paced professional development courses now available

DNP student with Dr. Padmavathy Ramaswamy
DNP student with Dr. Padmavathy Ramaswamy

Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston has launched new self-paced, online nursing continuing professional development (CPD) courses to help registered nurses keep up to date with evidence-based practices and meet ongoing certification requirements.

“Our CPD courses address a range of issues that nurses face every day and are designed to help them keep informed about the latest developments in health care technology and practice,” said Associate Dean for Faculty Development Jessica Coviello, DNP, RN, ANP-BC.

Courses are available through links to Canvas Catalog on our website, and more will be added regularly. Most individual courses cost $30.* 

In addition, a multipart series will be added soon to prepare advanced practice providers to take the new Certified Cardiovascular Knowledge Examination (CCKE) offered by the American College of Cardiology®.

Triage Nurse Series

The first module in this planned series is free of charge.

Triage Nurse – Telephone Triage

Addresses how to improve nursing communication during the triage process and effectively facilitate use of triage protocols that direct and support recommended guidelines for patient-centered care. This course provides 0.5 contact hour of nursing continuing professional development.**

APRN Update Series

These courses provide evidence-based information and updates for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).

APRN Update - Heart Failure: A Primary Care Update

This presentation provides APRNs with evidence-based information on new heart failure guidelines and treatments to improve outcomes in patients with heart failure in primary care. This course provides 1.0 contact hour of nursing continuing professional development, including .75 contact hour of pharmacology.**

APRN Update - Psychopharmacological Management of Common Mental Health Diagnoses in Primary Care

This presentation provides APRNs with evidence-based information on psychopharmacological management of common mental health diagnoses in primary care. This course provides 1.0 contact hour of nursing continuing professional development, including .75 contact hour of pharmacology.**

APRN Update - Telehealth in Primary Care

Covers telehealth policy, governance, and practice requirements for APRNs. This activity provides 1.0 contact hour of nursing continuing professional development.**

*A $5 discount is available for UTHealth Houston employees and preceptors. Contact Program Manager Cavishia Roberson for discount codes.

**Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston is not affiliated with the American College of Cardiology, and the Cardiovascular Advanced Practice Series course has not been reviewed by the American College of Cardiology, nor is it endorsed or guaranteed by the American College of Cardiology as a preparation course for the Certified Cardiovascular Knowledge Examination.

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