UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award Winners
Wanda “Dennie” Clemons is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for Administration in FY22. She is a Manager, Telecommunications with the Administration. Her nominators mentioned that she is very supportive and goes the extra mile to get the job done.
Erlinda "Linda" Guevara is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for Harris County Psychiatric Center / Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center in FY22. She is a Senior Inventory Clerk with the department of Facilities Management at UTHealth Harris County Psychiatric Center. Her nominators mentioned that she is quick to respond to units and other staff needs. She will go out of her way to make sure that all units are prepared with supplies for the patient's use.
Natalie Sirisaengtaksin is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in FY22. She is a Program Manager with MD Anderson UTHealth Houston Graduate School. Her nominators mentioned that she is there when you have a question. She is not only willing to help, but she will make you the priority.
Erica Taylor is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for McGovern Medical School in FY22. She is a Patient Business Services Coordinator with the department of PSY-Behavioral Sciences. Her nominators mentioned that she is the go-to to help any of the team members in need, she always greets everyone with a smile on her face and she supports her team to the fullest. Her colleagues respect her leadership and continue learning from her guidance. She will follow all the standards and protocols and ensure her peers follow the same.
Melissa Vega is the winner of the UCSC Staff Recognition Spotlight Award for Cizik School of Nursing in FY22. She is a Medical Assistant at the Cizik School of Nursing. Her nominators mentioned that she is very dedicated in finishing every job thoroughly.