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ARTICLE ONE- Name of Body

The body shall be known as the University Classified Staff Council, hereinafter referred to as the UCSC.

ARTICLE TWO- Purpose and Responsibilities

A: Purpose
The UCSC will advise the President and the Executive Council on matters of importance to classified employees of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Appropriate UTHealth policies and procedures;
  • Strategic planning and directions;
  • Recruitment, retention, promotion, and transfer of classified staff;
  • Processes regarding continuous quality improvement;
  • Budget and planning issues;
  • UTHealth-wide communications and resource networking;
  • Staff awards;
  • Campus master planning;
  • Compensation policies; and
  • Classified staff status, rights, and responsibilities.

B: Responsibilities
The UCSC members will be responsible for:

  • Communicating matters of importance to and from their units;
  • Welcoming new classified employees within their units; and
  • May also solicit classified staff participation on university-wide committees or teams.

ARTICLE THREE - Membership

A: Composition
Emphasis should be placed on a membership that comprises a cross-section of classified employees of UTHealth. The UCSC membership is comprised of:

  • Elected representatives, pursuant to Article Three (C), based on a ratio of one representative per 100 classified employees with a minimum of one representative from each operating unit;
  • Chair, elected pursuant to Article Four (A);
  • One member appointed by the President;
  • One member appointed by Human Resources; and
  • Additional ex officio and non-voting members pursuant to Article Three (G) and (H).

B: Eligibility of Membership
A member must be a full-time classified employee and must have their supervisor's approval to serve on the council.  A member who terminates or transfers from the unit he or she represents must resign from the UCSC if an alternate to that unit is available. If no alternate is available they may continue to serve until the end of the current fiscal year with their new supervisor’s approval. They may choose to run for re-election in the new unit at the following election.

C: Election Procedure

Prior to May of each year, the Election Committee, working with the Chair and Chair-Elect, will:

  • Determine the appropriate number of representatives to be elected pursuant to Article Three (A);
  • Notify the representatives of each unit;
  • Act as election coordinators to assist representatives with their unit's election procedure as necessary;
  • Coordinate the appointments, with the UCSC Chair, of one representative by the President and one by Human Resources; and
  • Notify newly elected members and alternates of the election results.

Representatives are responsible for having the elections results prior to the August retreat. Newly elected or appointed UCSC members should attend the August retreat and will take office in September of the year they are elected or appointed. Alternate members are encouraged to attend the retreat and regularly scheduled meetings.

D: Term of Office
A full term of office will be two years commencing in September of the year the member is elected or appointed. A partial term of office will be any period of time less than two years commencing immediately upon election or appointment.

  • Representatives may not serve more than two consecutive full terms;
  • Pursuant to Article Four (A), a representative may serve a fifth consecutive year as Chair if elected Chair-Elect during his or her fourth consecutive year in office; and
  • Representatives may serve as Chair only once every three years.

E: Vacancies
The Election Committee Chair will track vacancies and let the Coordinating Committee know when such vacancies occur. Alternates, according to the results of the previous election, will fill vacancies for unexpired terms.
If no alternates from the previous election are available, vacancies may be filled using one of the following options:

  • A special election may be held for that unit pursuant to Article Three (B and C);
  • The Election Committee will seek nominations from the representatives of that unit. The nominee will be voted in as a full member, by a majority vote of the council members at the next regularly scheduled meeting where a quorum is present;
  • A request to the dean or other upper administrator of a school that has vacancies may be made at the discretion of the council members. If a representative is selected in this way a majority vote by the council members at the next regularly scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, is needed to vote them in as a full member; and
  • Vacancies for positions with less than six months left in a term may be left vacant at the discretion of the Coordinating Committee.

F: Loss of Council Appointment
The Election Committee Chair will monitor attendance and report to the Coordinating Committee for appropriate action to be taken.

  • Any representative of the UCSC, other than an ex officio member, who is absent from three consecutive or four total regular or called meetings during a fiscal year will forfeit her or his position; and
  • A member may be reinstated at the discretion of the Coordinating Committee upon appeal by the member to the Coordinating Committee prior to the replacement of his or her position. 

G: Ex Officio Membership
The departing UCSC Officers and Chairs of each committee will continue to serve on the UCSC as ex officio members for one year after expiration of their terms to facilitate the transition of old members to new members.

  • Election to full membership supersedes ex officio membership;
  • Ex officio members will have privileges of the floor and may represent the UCSC at other forums for the purpose of updating the UCSC regarding the work of other forums; and
  • Ex officio members do not have the right to vote.

H: Other Non-Voting Members

Other members may be appointed upon two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the UCSC, provided a quorum is present for a term of one year.


UCSC Officers are elected for one-year terms.
A: Chair
Duties of the Chair include:

  • Presiding at meetings;
  • Chairing the Coordinating Committee;
  • Calling meetings;
  • Appointing UCSC members to standing and special committees;
  • Preparing a year-end report; and
  • Otherwise facilitating and directing the affairs of the UCSC, including representing the UCSC at other forums.

Upon taking office, the Chair relinquishes his or her position as a unit representative and that position is filled pursuant to Article Three (C).
B: Chair-Elect
Duties of the Chair-Elect include:

  • Carrying out the duties of the Chair in his or her absence;
  • Serving on the Election Committee; and
  • Serving on the Coordinating Committee.

C: Treasurer
Duties of the Treasurer include keeping the financial records of the UCSC. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Setting up the account in February for the following year;
  • Managing any budgetary requirements from the standing committees; and
  • Serving on the Coordinating Committee.

D: Secretary
Duties of the Secretary include:

  • Preparation and distribution of agenda and minutes for all UCSC meetings;
  • Monthly listing of UCSC issues;
  • Forwarding communications to the members, alternate members, and ex officio members; and
  • Serving on the Coordinating Committee.

E: Parliamentarian
Duties of the Parliamentarian include:

  • An officer designated by an organization to serve as an expert in parliamentary procedure;
  • Allow the majority to make decisions effectively and efficiently while ensuring fairness towards the minority and giving each member or delegate the right to voice an opinion. Enforcing such actions by using a gavel for order; and
  • Allows deliberation upon questions of interest to the organization and to arrive at the sense or the will of the assembly upon those questions usually following Roberts Rules of Order. (i.e. calls for motions and voting on such motions)

F: Election of Officers

At the August UCSC meeting, the current Chair-Elect shall be installed as Chair for the upcoming year. Elections for the Chair-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Parliamentarian shall also be held at the August retreat. A separate election is held for each officer. Nominees for Chair-Elect shall be chosen from among current and incoming new members who have served at least one year on the UCSC at some point and who have at least one year remaining of their term. Nominees for Chair-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Parliamentarian will be chosen by the Election Committee pursuant to Article Four (B, C, D, and E). Nominations from the floor will also be entertained at the meeting. The nominee winning the most votes will assume office. A member may only serve in one Officer capacity at a time. All incoming new and current members eligible to vote shall participate in electing officers.
Officers may not serve in the same position for a period of three years after serving one full term in that officer position.
G: Officer Vacancies
Chair - The Chair-Elect shall become Chair if the Chair position becomes vacant during the year.
Chair-Elect - The Coordinating Committee shall recommend one of the following actions if the Chair-Elect position becomes vacant during the year:

  • Should the Chair-Elect position become vacant as a result of the vacancy of the Chair position, the UCSC may leave the Chair-Elect position vacant upon two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the UCSC, provided a quorum is present. Current Chair will continue in the position of Chair at the August meeting; otherwise,
  • Hold a special election to fill the position using election procedures outlined pursuant to Article Four (F).

Treasurer - The UCSC shall hold a special election to fill the position using election procedures outlined pursuant to Article Four (F).
Secretary - The UCSC shall hold a special election to fill the position using election procedures outlined pursuant to Article Four (F).
Parliamentarian - The UCSC shall hold a special election to fill the position using election procedures outlined pursuant to Article Four (E F).


A: Regular Meetings

  • There will be at least one meeting per month in each fiscal year.

B: Special Meetings

  • Special meetings may be called by the Chair or upon the written request of four or more members of the UCSC; and
  • Special meetings must be scheduled at least 72 hours in advance and on a regular workday.

C: Agenda
The Chair has the responsibility for determining the agenda for the UCSC meetings.

  • The agenda for regular meetings will include a call to order, determination of the presence of a quorum, approval of minutes of previous meetings, old business, new business, committee reports, and adjournment; and
  • The agenda will be distributed to UCSC members prior to regularly scheduled meetings.

D: Quorum
A quorum will be at least one-half of the voting members.

ARTICLE SIX Committees

The Coordinating Committee will be responsible for the strategic direction of the UCSC and for advising the Executive Council on strategic planning issues of the UCSC. The Committee will be composed of the UCSC Officers and Committee Chairs. The Coordinating Committee will advise the Chair on the agenda of UCSC meetings, develop operating procedures, and/or bylaws as required, and coordinate with other UTHealth representative bodies to facilitate the work of the UCSC, and to provide guidance and direction to the UCSC.
Standing Committees
Standing committees will be established annually at the August meeting. The purpose and responsibility of each committee parallel the purpose and responsibilities of the UCSC as delineated in Article Two. Every member, except the Chair and Secretary, will serve on at least one standing committee. Each committee will elect a Committee Chair at the August meeting.
A: Staff Development Committee
The Staff Development Committee will be composed of at least five members appointed by the Chair after due consideration of individual interests and will include diverse representation from the various classifications of the UCSC membership. The Committee will:

  • Explore training and development opportunities for classified staff members;
  • Advise the Coordinating Committee and appropriate administrators regarding the career development opportunities afforded classified staff; and
  • Organize events presented to and approved by the Coordinating Committee. Development ideas may include but are not limited to Grand Rounds and Brown Bag sessions.

B: Staff Recognition Committee
The Staff Recognition Committee will be composed of at least five members appointed by the Chair after due consideration of individual interests and will include diverse representation from the various classifications of the UCSC membership.  The Committee will:

  • Advise the Coordinating Committee and appropriate administrators regarding the recognition of classified staff;
  • Develop mechanisms for recognition of classified staff whose services are exemplary models to their peers and the community; and
  • Monitor university events for the UCSC members to attend, increasing council visibility.

C: Communications Committee
The Communications Committee will be composed of at least five members appointed by the Chair after due consideration of individual interests. A Web Master will be chosen from the committee members as a liaison to the Coordinating Committee for maintenance of the Council web page. Additional positions for this committee will be an editor (responsible for review of all Council publications), an interviewer (responsible for interviewing people of interest for the Council newsletter), and a photographer (to attend university and UCSC events for photo opportunities). The Committee will:

  • Create and update brochures, banners, display boards, and flyers as needed;
  • Maintain equipment (i.e. camera) and materials involved in creating any of the above; and
  • Publish staff newsletters or other forms of communication as developed by this Committee.

D: Election Committee
The Election Committee will be composed of the Chair-Elect and at least three members selected by the UCSC Chair prior to the August meeting. No representative maybe elected to the Election Committee if running for election in the coming year. The Election Committee will:

  • Present two or more nominations for election of each UCSC officer pursuant to Article Four (E);
  • Participate in UCSC representative election procedures pursuant to Article Three (C);
  • Maintain the member roster and attendance log for the UCSC;
  • Be responsible for possible removal and replacement of UCSC members;
  • Notify Chair and other officers when alternates are moved to full membership;
  • Advise Chair and Officers of new alternates;
  • Store and distribute UCSC shirts to those who have attended three (3) consecutive meetings;
  • Conduct site visits and monitor university events to promote the UCSC; and
  • Distribute any parting gifts.

E: Educational Awards Committee
The Educational Awards Committee will be composed of at least five members appointed by the UCSC Chair after due consideration of individual interests. The Committee will be responsible for raising funds annually to be awarded to children of classified employees who worked full time for at least the prior year at UTHealth. To be eligible, the children must be starting their college careers. The Committee Chair is responsible for collecting all applications. The Committee, as a whole, shall process and verify completeness of all applications.
A Completed Application Will Include:

  • GPA;
  • SAT or ACT score;
  • High School transcripts;
  • Record of volunteerism, awards, honors, or extracurricular activities;
  • Two (2) letters of reference from a professional (i.e. teacher, counselor, employer);
  • Letter of acceptance from a college or university; and
  • A one-page essay on career goals.

The Committee Shall:

  • Set a deadline for receiving all parts of the application to be six (6) weeks prior to the annual Staff Development Workshop;
  • Send letters to all applicants acknowledging receipt of their applications;
  • Choose an Educational Awards Selection Committee that shall be composed of at least five members representing a minimum of three of the schools comprising UTHealth. The Selection Committee will deliberate on all completed applications and choose the award recipient(s) four (4) weeks prior to the Workshop;
  • Utilize the scoring system established by the UCSC Educational Awards Committee in May 2009;
  • Additional changes to the scoring system must be approved by the Educational Awards Committee members; and
  • Send an additional letter to all applicant(s) within two (2) weeks of the Workshop notifying them of the selection outcome and arranging for recognition of the award recipients.

F: Special Purpose Committees
Special Purpose Committees will be established on a temporary basis to perform a specific objective for the UCSC. The purpose and responsibility of each committee parallel the purpose and responsibilities of the UCSC as delineated in Article Two. The Chair of the UCSC will appoint special committees on an as-needed basis.

ARTICLE SEVEN Jurisdiction

At the institutional level, the UCSC serves as the primary agency for classified staff participation in UTHealth governance. The UCSC will be the primary representative of classified staff interests and communicate directly with the Executive Council of UTHealth. Its advice and suggestions will be forwarded to the Executive Council in writing for consideration.

ARTICLE EIGHT Amendments and Adoptions

Proposed amendments to these Bylaws will be submitted in writing to the Chair, must be presented at two consecutive meetings, and may be adopted at a regular or special meeting by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative votes of voting members, provided a quorum is present.

Amendments will take effect immediately upon adoption.