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Employer Info Session: DSHS Region 6/5S

When & Where

August 15, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
RAS W-102B/Teams ( View in Google Map)


Event Description

Join us in-person or virtually for an overview of the positions available within programs Raphael Cohen from DSHS Region 6/5S oversees, including the regional HIV/STD, TB elimination, Epidemiology, Zoonosis, Immunizations, and an Emerging Infectious Diseases team. Raphael will provide valuable insights into positions available within these vital programs.

Event Site Link

{ "name":"Employer Info Session: DSHS Region 6/5S", "description":"Join us in-person or virtually for an overview of the positions available within programs Raphael Cohen from DSHS Region 6/5S oversees, including the regional HIV/STD, TB elimination, Epidemiology, Zoonosis, Immunizations, and an Emerging Infectious Diseases team. Raphael will provide valuable insights into positions available within these vital programs. \n\n", "startDate":"2024-8-15", "endDate":"2024-8-15", "startTime":"12:00", "endTime":"13:00", "location":"RAS W-102B/Teams", "label":"Add to Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Microsoft365", "MicrosoftTeams", "Yahoo" ], "timeZone":"America/Chicago", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"Reminder-Event" }