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University Ombuds Office


Confidentiality Independence Informality Neutrality

  • What is the University Ombuds Office?

    The UTHealth Houston University Ombuds Office (UOO) is a confidential, independent, informal, and neutral place for directing students, medical graduates, postdoctoral fellows, staff, and faculty to appropriate information and resources. The Ombuds may assist with providing a space to express concerns, resolve conflicts, brainstorming and problem solving, misunderstandings and disputes, discuss academic or administrative concerns, and enhance interpersonal and communication skills.

  • What does the University Ombuds do?

    At the visitor’s option, the Ombuds is happy to listen, offer feedback, or assist in developing alternatives for addressing concerns and problems. The Ombuds may educate visitors of the available resources at UTHealth Houston when considering next steps in managing a concern or issue. The ombuds may serve as an intermediary, mediator, facilitator, or simply as a listener. Where appropriate, the Ombuds supports systemic changes (e.g. providing feedback to University leadership about trends, policies and procedures, and systemic issues).

  • What does the University Ombuds NOT do?
    • Take sides or serve as an advocate for any party
    • Make or change rules, policies, procedures, or regulations
    • Participate in any formal investigations, hearings, or procedures
    • Receive official “notice” to the university
    • Maintain official records
    • Give legal advice
    • Disclose information provided in confidence or breach confidentiality
      • With the exception of a visitor expressing eminent risk or threat of harm to self or others
  • When should you contact the University Ombuds?
    • When you have made attempts to resolve an issue or a problem unsatisfactorily.
    • If you believe you have been treated unfairly.
    • When you are uncertain what university policies, procedures, or regulations might apply to your situation or you believe a policy, procedure, or regulation has been unfairly or wrongly applied.
    • When you are unsure of where to go or what options exist to solve a problem.
    • When you need help negotiating a situation.
    • When you need help facilitating communication.
    • When you have a question or a complaint about an office, service, or decision.
    • When you need someone to listen to your concerns, issues, or problems.
  • Who has access to the UOO?

    The University Ombuds is available to assist all UTHealth Houston students, faculty, trainees and staff at all campus locations.

  • Does visiting the UOO prevent me from filing a formal grievance, complaint or concern?

    No. Use of the UOO does not prevent you from accessing any other resources at UTHealth Houston. You may choose to file a complaint or raise a concern through the appropriate channels such as the Compliance Hotline, Title IX, University Relations and Equal Opportunity,  Employee Relations, or other channels before, while or after visiting the UOO.

  • Helpful Links

    HOOP Policies
    Faculty Resources
    Employee Resources
    Student Resources
    Graduate Medical Education Resources

    Have you visited the Office of the Academic Ombuds?  We want to hear from you!
    Please take less than 5 minutes to complete this short Visitor Satisfaction Survey.

The University Ombuds Office holds all communications in strict confidence and keeps no formal written records. Please call or email if you would like to discuss an issue or schedule a meeting.

Meet the University Ombuds

Office Direct

Confidential Mobile

[email protected]
*Please do not send confidential information via email.

Office Location
University Center Tower (UCT) suite 165

By contacting the University Ombuds Office, visitors and callers agree not to tape, video, record or otherwise reproduce communications with the Ombuds.