UT Student Assistance Programs
Welcome to your Student Assistance Program! UTEAP is available to assist you with any issues that impacts your overall sense of wellbeing and successful completion of your degree. You will have access to a counselor in your geographic location.
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT? You can expect to meet with a Licensed Counselor and to be treated respectfully. All records, including medical information, referrals and evaluations, are kept confidential in accordance with federal and state laws.
HOW DO I GET STARTED? Call 713-500-3327 or complete our Contact Form.
Are You In Crisis?
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911. If you urgently need to speak with a Counselor, please call 713-500-3327 or 800-346-3549 or click below to fill out our contact form.
National Suicide Crisis call or chat 988
Reach Out NowHow can UTEAP help me?
We can help you find answers to a host of life issues that are hindering you from succeeding in school. Below are some scenarios where we can be of assistance:
Emotional Support & Guidance
- My family is from another country and they don’t know I am bisexual. I am afraid of what will happen if they find out.
- I just procrastinate all the time and now I am really behind.
- I feel alone.
- I am overwhelmed, crying all the time
- I think I might be pregnant.
- I need to talk to some one about my emotional issues.
- I am failing 2 classes and don’t know what to do.
Personal & Family Issues
- I don’t have enough food to eat
- I am going to be homeless this week because my parents are moving and I still have to finish school.
- I need a counselor because work is overwhelming.
- I am living out of my car and afraid of what is going to happen to me.
- I have two kids and my mom used to watch them but she died. I don’t know what to do now.
- I was going to graduate this semester and go to work but I just found out I need to take a summer class.
- My partner hits me and yells at me a lot.
Help is Available
Each counselor can help you with numerous issues or concerns. Call us at 713-500-3327 or complete our Contact Form. Below are some common reasons to contact UTEAP:
Prefer to Research Yourself?
As a UTEAP member you have access to legal, financial and identity theft professionals who can help resolve issues and concerns. Click on the button below to visit our website focusing on legal and financial matters.
Please call 713-500-3327 for username and password.