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BigMouth Dental Data Repository

About BigMouth

BigMouth is an oral health database developed from partially de-identified electronic health record data contributed by several dental institutions. Access to the database is provided by i2b2, an open-source data warehousing tool.

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17 Partnering Institutions

Over 7 Million Patient Records

BigMouth contains data from multiple dental institutions and is hosted at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Explore the current partnering institutions below:

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Texas Tech University | Woody L. Hunt School of Dental Medicine

Publications Using BigMouth Data

Researchers in the dental community have published several papers using data from the BigMouth repository. Below are recent examples of such publications:

Journal of Dentistry

A personalized periodontitis risk based on nonimage electronic dental records by machine learning

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Effect of antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications on implant survival: a long-term retrospective cohort study

International Dental Journal

Comparative effect of different preoperative antibiotics on dental implant failure: A retrospective cohort study 

Frontiers in Oral Health

Comparing two large data repositories to understand the differences in demographics, health history, and behavioral attributes in populations

Explore more publications using BigMouth data - Research and Publications

Data Snapshots

We have had a significant amount of people entered within the repository, roughly 7 Million patients. Click below to view snapshots and images showing their diversity and our goals for achieving a database full of people from geographical areas.

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