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Course Setup Checklist

This checklist will help you create a Canvas course that includes your files, assignments, discussions, quizzes, content pages, modules, a syllabus, announcements, rubrics for grading, conferences, student groups, and a gradebook.

Click underlined text links to read detailed instructions. You can also download a printable PDF of this checklist.

File Imports and OrganizationGet all files/content into Canvas where it can then be managed

Import individual files (or .zip file)

Create/arrange folders

Arrange files in folders

Course CustomizationCreate a clean and intuitive course; Add apps to facilitate course design

Customize course home page

Customize course navigation

Adjust course settings

Assignments/Discussions/QuizzesCreate learning activities that allow you to assess student comprehension

Add assignments & details


Add discussions & details


Add quiz settings & questions


Publish applicable content

PagesCreate dynamic learning content on a free-form content page

Learn about content pages

Create content pages


ModulesOrganize course content and create an intuitive workflow for students

Create modules + add content

Reorder modules + content

Add prerequisites + requirements

Publish applicable modules


SyllabusDisplay course expectations and institutional policies

Learn more about the syllabus

Add syllabus content

AnnouncementsCommunicate with students to keep them interested, informed and involved

Learn how to use announcements

Create and delay announcements


RubricsClearly define assignment expectations and simplify grading student work

Create rubrics for your course

Add rubrics to assignments - - - - - -

Assignments,  Discussions,  Quizzes

Set up free-form responses if desired

ConferencesSet up conferences to have virtual meetings with students

Learn how to use conferences

Create a conference

GroupsAllow students to work on assignments, and discussions or even study together

Learn about student groups

Create a set of course groups

Manually arrange students


GradebookEnsure all assignments are ready for grading

Mute assignments if desired

Arrange/sort gradebook as desired


CalendarEnsure all events and assignments occur on the appropriate dates

Adjust event/assignment dates