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Ashaq Hussain Najar, PhD

Ashaq Hussain Najar, PhD


I received Master of Science degree in Toxicology from Jamia Hamdard (India). Subsequently, I joined National Center for Biological Sciences (NCBS, India) as a graduate trainee, and eventually earned a PhD from Jamia Hamdard. I continued working at the NCBS as a postdoc for a year, and later on moved to SKIMS (Srinagar, India) where I worked as a Research Associate. I am a neurobiologist interested in exploring novel genetic, molecular, or cellular processes in the development, progression, and mitigation of neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases using stem cell and animal models.


Previous Postdoc Position: National Centre for Biological Sciences, India

PhD, Jamia Hamdard, India


Claudio Soto, PhD

Research Description

Stem cells hold a great promise in developing customized cell-based therapeutic agents for human diseases as well as models to study them. This makes me highly motivated to advance my knowledge and research skills to understand the disease mechanisms and targets of therapeutic intervention to combat CNS abnormalities using stem cell technology. I joined Prof. Soto's at the Department of Neurology, McGovern Medical School, UTHealth Houston in 2022. Here I seek to delineate aspects of pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease using human brain organoid transplantation and chimeric animals.