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Love Data Week

LabArchives Love Data Week: February 10 – 14, 2025

LabArchives has announced a weeklong series of events dedicated to helping you improve the organization of your data while taking steps towards better overall data management through LabArchives Research ELN, Inventory, and Scheduler.

As a UTHealth Houston user, you have free access to to Electronic Lab Notebook, Inventory, and Scheduler. Pick and choose the sessions that interest you or attend all the sessions for a comprehensive look at LabArchives and how you can improve your research data management regimen.

Click Here to Register


This Year’s Topics Include:

LabArchives Notebook:

Introduction to LabArchives ELN for Research

Best Practices and Tips for Establishing Your Notebook’s Structure

LabArchives Integration Spotlight: Workflows for LabArchives, SnapGene, and GraphPad Prism

Creating Templates and Widgets to Standardize the Collection and Management of Data

LabArchives Inventory:

Introduction to LabArchives Inventory
LabArchives Scheduler:

Introduction to LabArchives Scheduler


Can’t attend one of these sessions but want to learn more about LabArchives? Reach out to us here. We are here to facilitate a one-on-one session on any topic!