Sponsored Projects Administration

Contracts may be extended upon mutual agreement between the parties by the establishment of an amendment that specifies the new end date of the period of performance.


If a Principal Investigator needs to modify the budget and/or payment schedule to an existing clinical trial agreement, his/her research team should communicate directly with the sponsor or CRO and request a formal amendment to be emailed to Sponsored Projects Administration for review/signature.


  • Submit Word version of Contract to SPA by emailing it to [email protected]
  • Submit current IRB approval letter to SPA, if applicable
  • Route the final agreement for PI signature - submit to SPA


  • Negotiate legal terms of the agreement with collaborator on behalf of the PI and the university.
  • Obtain PI Read and Understood approval (either signature or electronic approval)
  • Route the final agreement with PI signature, if applicable, for institutional signatory to sign
  • SPA will send to Sponsor collaborator for full execution
  • SPA will assure PI has a copy of fully executed agreement and will retain a copy for institutional record.
  • Initiate process with Post Award Finance to extend the period of the financial account for the study.