Sponsored Projects Administration


SPA offers a variety of its forms, templates, and worksheets, in PDF and Excel format. In order to read, print, search, and fill-in PDF forms, you will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

Forms must be downloaded in order to save them. To do so, right-click the link, click "Save Target As...", then choose the destination on your computer.

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  • Cost Transfer Request Used by departments to transfer expenses onto or off of a sponsored project.  (Guidance is provided on the form for backup support.)
  • Contract Residual Closeout Form Used to request the closure of grants and contracts when funds vest with UT. (Rename and save the PDF form to your hard drive, complete and forward within your department for approval. Return to PAF when completed.) Clinical Research Accounts (with fund code 57001) should not use this form. For accounts with fund code 57001 the  “Clinical Research Account Close Out Form” listed under CLINICAL RESEARCH FINANCE below must be used.
  • Gift Card Reimbursement Form Include with the non-po voucher documentation when requesting reimbursement of gift cards purchased.
  • Modular Grant Information Use when preparing modular grant budgets.
  • Person Months Conversion Chart Use to convert % to person months
  • Program Income Setup Request Form
  • Relinquishing of Grants Procedures for departments and PAF to follow when a PI relinquishes a project.
  • Salary Cap Worksheet (For both NIH & CPRIT) Accompanies PA's with federal grants that are subject to the federal Salary Cap.
  • Split Account Request Template Used to add an additional sub-project to a main project.
  • SPA does not approve split accounts for just salary of another investigator. Split accounts are done when:
    • There are at least two schools, or
    • It is multi-PI between two departments, or
    • The funding for the second account includes: > 20% salary/effort of the investigator, additional personnel expenses, or non-personnel expenses in addition to the salary.
  • Stipend Payments Guidance for departments to use when submitting stipends on a project.
  • Subcontractor Tracking Form Used to monitor subcontractor invoices receipt and payment. Departments can optionally use the form.


  • EPIC Tip Sheet- Study Coordinator Guide This tip sheet discusses how to link patients to studies, how to link visit encounters to studies, and how to review charges for research visits in Epic
  • EPIC Tip Sheet- Manage Study Record This tip sheet discusses how to manage the study record in Epic
  • Link/ Associate Upcoming Research Visits in Epic - This is a short video (78 seconds) showing how to create a report in Epic showing the upcoming visits scheduled for all patients linked to your study(ies) in Epic.  You will need to cut and paste: Upcoming/Current Admissions for Patients Associated with <Insert Research Study> into the “Report Library” in Epic.
  • Harris Health Patient Registration Form
  • MHH Patient Registration Form
  • Link/Associate Patient to Study in Epic- GIF -  This is a short video recording showing a researcher linking a patient to a study in Epic (60 seconds no sound). For detailed guidance on how to link/associate a patient to a study in Epic please refer to  “EPIC Tip Sheet- Study Coordinator Guide
  • Submit CTA to SPA Checklist This checklist can be used as a guide to help ensure you have completed all of the steps for submitting agreements for new clinical studies to SPA.
  • Clinical Study START Proposal Record Budget  Checklist This checklist is used by the CRFA team to review the proposal record budget  for Clinical studies. This includes the review of the  attached internal budget (on the CAIB tool) and the budget data entered into the START budget tab. This can be used as a guide to help ensure you have completed all of the needed data  for submitting START Proposal records to SPA for new applicable clinical studies.