A collaboration agreement is a formal agreement between UTHealth Houston, and an outside entity to work on a shared research project where there is scientific benefit to both parties. Theses agreements are typically non-monetary; however, if the outside entity is an industry partner, additional proposal information may be required (such as approvals for cost share or project certification forms for COI reviews).
If a UTHealth Houston PI is (1) approached by, or (2) wants to work with an outside entity to participate in a research project, the PI and department administrator should perform an assessment to determine if it is financially and operationally feasible to participate in the study. (Cost share approvals may be required if the other entity is for-profit or if it is a large proposed project). If assessed positively, the PI or designee should submit a collaboration agreement record in UT START and provide the relevant intake information, including but not limited to, the outside entity’s contact information, a scope of work/protocol, and any other details regarding the exchange of materials and/or data related to the project. If applicable, the PI or designee may also upload the outside entity’s contract template to the collaboration agreement record in UT START for review and negotiation.
To prevent delays in agreement execution, the study team should also submit the scope of work/protocol to any other research regulatory committees (e.g., IRB, etc.), as applicable, in parallel with the submission of an agreement record in UT START. NOTE: Regulatory committee approvals may be required prior to signing the agreement.
- Provide a scope of work/protocol that addresses the specific roles, responsibilities, and deliverables of each entity
- Submit scope of work/protocol to the appropriate research regulatory committees for review, if applicable
- Create a collaboration agreement record in UT START via the instructions below.
How to submit a Collaboration Agreement in UT START:
- Login to START Login
- Navigate to the Agreements Module
- Select “Collaboration” agreement type (Click here to see)
- Fill out the intake form under the “Collaboration Intake Form” and press “Submit" once complete. If you received an agreement draft from the other entity, you may upload that in the Intake Form or under the separate “Attachments” Tab (Click here to see)
**Please note that pressing submit is essential for SPA to receive the request**
If you have any additional questions about Collaboration Agreements or the submission process, please reach out to [email protected]
- Negotiate the legal terms of the agreement with the other entity on behalf of PI and UTHealth Houston.
- Route the final agreement for review, approval, and signature, as applicable, to the PI and an authorized signatory for UTHealth Houston.
- Confirm agreement has been fully executed, all appropriate documentation has been received, all applicable compliance elements have been obtained, etc.
- Update the status of the agreement record to “Fully Executed” in UT START