Sponsored Projects Administration


Access and account management information below.


  • The Research.gov proposal preparation and submission site is now available for full, research non-collaborative proposals. Click here for more details.
  • NSF-PAR Expansion Now Allows NSF Authors to Retrieve Submitted Department of Energy Manuscripts to Meet NSF’s Public Access Requirement. Click here for more details. 
  • The Research.gov Visitor Login was discontinued effective March 26, 2018. Visitors must register for an NSF ID on Research.gov to continue to access external systems. Click here for details. 
  • Now Being Enforced in FastLane and Research.gov: PAPPG (NSF 18-1) Policy Changes and Updated Proposal Compliance Checks. Click here to learn more.

NSF Fastlane/Research.gov

  • Access Information


    To Gain Access to NSF Fastlane/ Research.gov:

    You must register by following the steps outlined in the detailed registration process.

  • Affiliate/Migrate an NSF Account


    To Migrate or Affiliate an NSF Account:

    Confirm that you do not have an issued NSF Account; If you do not have an account complete the registration process.

    Existing Fastlane account with UTHealth, users should add roles to their existing NSF account. An email notice with be sent to Systems & Reporting to grant your role request

    Detailed guidance provided on the NSF website 

    Note: Organizational &/or Financial role request will not be authorized for most users.

    Departmental administrators should request Other Authorized User (OAU) role

    Faculty should request the Investigator role

    For assistance please contact the NSF IT Help Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected].

  • NSF Role Guidance


    If you need this role(s) To perform these functions Select this "Add Role Button"

    Principal Investigator (PI)

    Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)

    Unaffiliated Fellowship Principal Investigator

    Prepare proposals

    Manage awards

    Add Investigator Role
    Other Authorized User (OAU) Assist PI with Proposal Preparation Contact S&R to assigned the OAU role