Sponsored Projects Administration

A contract amendment is a formal agreement between UTHealth and a sponsor (typically an industry sponsor) that modifies an existing fully signed agreement between UTHealth and the sponsor. Most contract amendments typically modify the budget and/or period of performance of the original agreement.  


If a Principal Investigator needs a modification to an existing agreement, his/her research team should communicate directly with the sponsor and request a formal amendment to be emailed to Sponsored Projects Administration for review/signature.


  • Communicate with the sponsor about the need for a formal amendment and provide changes that need be made to the original agreement.  
  • Request that sponsor email a word document of the amendment to [email protected]
  • Work with Clinical Research Finance Team to perform an updated Coverage Analysis (for CTAs only) if required.
  • Provide updated research assurances (if applicable) and an updated setup sheet (if applicable) to the specialist in Sponsored Projects who is reviewing the contract amendment.
  • If required, negotiate the new budget with the sponsor.


  • Negotiate legal terms of the amendment with the sponsor on behalf of the PI and the university.
  • Route the final amendment for institutional signature.
  • SPA will ensure that the sponsor has a copy of the fully signed amendment.
  • SPA will provide the PI and his/her department a copy of the fully executed amendment.
  • SPA will send the fully signed amendment to PAF team so that they can update the financial system.